Montana TSA Members Receive Awards at National TSA Conference
The Montana delegation attending the National TSA Conference this Dallas, Texas consisted of six(6) state officers, one (1) former state officer and the two (2) co-state directors. The state officers participated in competitive events, delegate sessions, National Leadership training, and general sessions.
Bozeman High School and Harlem High School Chapters received the Chapter Excellence Awards
Franki Taylor and Denton Cornell recieve the TSA Honor Society Award
Dwight Freeman, Saco High School, recieved the TSA Chapter Advisor of the Year
Bozeman High School and Harlem High School Chapters received the Chapter Excellence Awards
Saco High School Members; Chandler Pippin, Chris Depuydt, and Advisor of the Year - Dwight Freeman.
Harlem High School Chapter Members: Franki Taylor, Shailee Fetter, Jazzamyn Benson, Craig Todd
State Officers and State Directors at the National Conference in Dallas, Texas.