Bozeman High School
Advisor: Jared Kelly
​Gallatin High School
Advisor: Glenn Bradbury​
Park High School
Advisor: Hunter James
Ronan High School
Advisor: Jesse Gray​​​

Becoming a State Officer
One of the many benefits of TSA is the local, state and national leadership opportunities that are available to students. Please encourage your students to take advantage of these unique opportunities by encouraging them to run for a state office.​
Montana TSA has six (6) officer positions - President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Reporter, and Sergeant-at-Arms. Applicants DO NOT apply for a specific position. After being elected, all six State Officers will attend a CTSO Leadership Camp. At the conclusion of the camp, the State Officer Team will determine the appropriate position for each officer. The State Officer Team is comprised to the six (6) TSA officers and the State TSA Advisor.
Candidates must complete the online application and the TSA State Officer Signature document. The signature document will need to be submitted by e-mail to by January 31, 2025. Applicants will be notified by the State Advisor if their application has been accepted. Officer candidates will be expected to introduce themselves at the State Leadership Conference on April 7-8, 2025. Voting will take place during the delegate session.
By electing you to State TSA office, the membership entrusts the leadership of its organization to you and your fellow officers. With the acceptance of this honor come duties and responsibilities. Duty is defined, as “the conduct, obedience, loyalty, and submission required of an officer. Responsibility is “the reliability and moral accountability for duties expected of an officer.” Together, duty and responsibility convey the conduct and performance appropriate to all Montana TSA State officers.

Regardless of which office you hold, your duties and responsibilities as a State TSA officer obligate you to do the following:
Duties & Responsibilities
Understand the mission and goals of Montana & National TSA.
Understand the Montana & National TSA bylaws. Be familiar with the organizational structure and policies of Montana TSA.
Understand and correctly use parliamentary procedure. Memorize appropriate ceremonies and rituals.
Be prepared to conduct meetings and to serve as a speaker.
Be loyal to Montana TSA, and attend all meetings. Help other officers accomplish their tasks.
Practice good speaking and writing skills as you represent the State association.
Conduct assigned officers duties at State Officer meetings/workshops.
Be helpful, respectful, and responsible to all people.
TSA State Officer Qualifications
Only current TSA members (active) in good standing are eligible to run for or hold office.
The candidate must be holding or have held an elected chartered chapter office.
A candidate must have at least one year of school remaining at the time he or she runs for state office.
A candidate must be a member of TSA for at least one year before seeking a state office.
A TSA member must have completed the eighth grade to be qualified for a State TSA office.
Candidates should have the ability to express opinions, make decisions, and be neat and in appearance.
All state officer candidates are required to obtain the official TSA dress.​
All officer candidates must have attended a previous TSA State Conference.
Shall have the support of the adviser and parents/guardian, and secure their signatures of endorsement.
The state officer candidate application and evaluation sheet must be received by the published deadline.
State officers will be on constant call throughout the year.
State Officer Required Attendance​
Attend the Montana TSA Fall Leadership Workshops (September/October 2023).
Attend CTSO/Governor Meeting at the State Capitol, Helena (February 2025).
Attend the TSA State Leadership Conference (April, 2025).
Participate in monthly officer planning video conference calls.
All applications must be e-mailed to by January 31, 2025.
All applicants for state office must be prepared to deliver a speech of two minutes or less to the state delegation at the opening session of the State Leadership Conference.
Any questions please contact: ​
Jesse Gray
School: 406.676.3390
Cell: 406.531.9044